Scholarly Artifacts

Library Marketing

Pawprint Public Library Promo

Library Shelving Meme

LIS 692: Library Marketing provided structure and frameworks for creating flyers, promos, public service announcements and more utilizing library branding in an effective manner. Coursework included not only reading the required textbook, which I have kept for future reference, but also a variety of selected webinars from webjunction and other sources, and assignments to provide technology instruction in a variety of formats to prepare future librarians for the realities of librarianship.

LIS 692: Library Marketing allowed me to discover the areas of weakness or inconsistencies I was having in my current library marketing strategies such as logo placement on flyers and limiting the use of multiple fonts. I enjoyed the creative aspect of the assignments from creating a public service announcement video via Canva to creating a library-related meme. I also had opportunities to create (fictional) press releases. These assignments provided insight, practice, and foundations for possible future events in my library career.

LibGuides & Websites

Locally Louisville Website

Creating a pathfinder utilized research skills that were enhanced and curated during LIS 501: Reference and Information Sources. This class provided in-depth hands-on practice to develop skills and procedures in providing reliable reference information to library patrons. 

The pathfinder project allowed each student the opportunity to create an information resource of a topic of interest and using any web platform. Reinforcing my technology skills, I chose the blogspot platform to create a pathfinder about Beverly Cleary. Though I could select any topic, I often choose topics that align with the Youth Services certificate or with working as a Children’s librarian. 

The pathfinder assignment had specific parameters of information that should be included within our sites. These parameters made creating the resource a gratifying experience. I enjoyed the ability to select the information that is included and present it in an aesthetically pleasing and logical manner. Creating this pathfinder has enabled me to create other pathfinders, websites, and resource lists for librarians and patrons. 

The cumulative project in LIS 558 was to create a website. Some pages for the website were created throughout the class as smaller assignments. These were later added to the 5 page website. I had previously taken a class on HTML5 and CSS3 during my Bachelor's degree from the University of Louisville. This class provided new information to my existing knowledge and more practice for my skillset. 

Previously, I had created a website using a file manager application that had to be downloaded to my computer, which took considerable memory space. For this class, I was delighted to use a web-supported file manager which saved the overall memory space of my computer and allowed me to work on my projects remotely. 

Creating a website for this class from scratch reignited a previous creative outlet. Now I have the ability to make websites at any given opportunity!


For LIS 651: Fundamentals of Library Science I learned about bibliometrics and how to write a bibliometric paper. The ability to choose a topic of interest made writing the paper easier. Even though my topic, anime, is of personal interest it also relates to library work with youth services.

During the research process for this paper, I discovered the history of anime and its cultural impact on the U.S. and other countries. This knowledge is helpful when explaining anime to parents curious about the subject.

This paper created a bibliography of references on the topic for others interested in anime, anime literature, and resources. Currently, this project has been included in a website of anime resources for other librarians implementing anime clubs in their libraries.

For LIS 505: Cataloging and Classification I learned about the process for cataloging different materials using RDA and current cataloging competencies and preferred standards. Through a variety of weekly exercises, I had the opportunity to practice cataloging different materials and discover some of the common issues cataloguers face when cataloging items, especially non-traditional items.

Discovering the importance of accurate cataloging through specific terms and meta tags led to an interest in searchability and user experience when locating materials. These topics were covered in the literature review paper for LIS 505.